Greatness lives within us all. But have you tapped into yours – or is it stuck inside you? Top-ranked real estate and business coach Tom Ferry’s life’s work is all about helping people fulfill their vast untapped potential. The Tom Ferry Podcast Experience will give you the knowledge, support, motivation and tools to succeed in business and achieve your true potential. This show is designed to help you grow, achieve more, earn more and ultimately, fulfill the greatness within you.

Thursday Oct 24, 2024
The Risks to Real Estate: The T360 Report Breakdown | Tom Ferry Podcast Experience
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
What are the greatest risks to real estate and the agents working in it today? How can agents stay ahead of shifts and increase their earnings now and in the future? These questions are addressed in T3 Sixty’s “The Opportunity Report,” a groundbreaking analysis of the industry that charts a strategic path toward a better future.
In this episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience, I chat with T3 Sixty CEO Jack Miller about the implications of this report, the greatest risks to real estate, and strategies to navigate the challenges ahead.
Ten years ago, T3 Sixty published “The Danger Report,” which accurately predicted 83% of the situations we face today. Given this track record, “The Opportunity Report” is essential knowledge for every agent.
Watch or listen to our full breakdown, and be sure to read the entire report. The risks to real estate are significant, but as you’ll discover, there are effective ways to stay ahead of them.